they can but fail in keeping their dutie


This one’s the most common and brief stress. It is caused due to negative reactive thinking about events that have already taken place or are yet to arrive in the near future. Like being nervous and thinking of negative situations that might happen with you in some upcoming event leading you to get scared and causing stress.

Acute stress causes the prominence of its signs and the symptoms in our body, brain, and emotions altogether.  Even though it affects all of it, but still doesn’t harm us as much as the other types do.


People who keep experiencing acute stress or have their lives set up in a way that stress becomes a part of their daily lifestyle; have episodic acute stress.

The people who experience episodic acute stress keep on living a chaotic or messy life. Although they take in as many responsibilities as they can but fail in keeping their duties organized or managed due to each one’s demand for the proper time.


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